Course Description

CWA's Academic Program

The professional woodworking program at Chattanooga Woodworking Academy is a 4-year course that flexibly allows students to progress at their own pace and skill level. Starting with basic carpentry and bench woodworking, the CWA student will learn math for woodworking; how to use and sharpen a wide variety of hand tools; making and reading architectural drawings; design and finishing.

As students progress, they will learn joinery, machine tool usage, lathe work, production methods, sanding and finishing. Second year students will build stick frame houses, hew logs and build log houses, craft post & beam and unconventioanl wooden construction projects. Third year students will learn to build and install doors, windows, exterior and interior trim, millwork, flooring, kitchen & bath cabinets, designing and drafting specs for their work. Fourth year students will design and build customer furniture.

From the start, students will be building and selling their work; thus the workshop and the field is the classroom; hands on is the method of learning. Only students that are seriously committed to work as proffesionals in this field should apply.